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Child constipation and picky eating



The Vicious Cycle of Constipation and Picky Eating in Children

It is common for picky eaters to be constipated. Often constipation and picky eating work together to create an unhelpful cycle. When a child is not pooping regularly, they often feel full and have low appetite which can further exacerbate both their constipation and picky eating habits. To prevent constipation in picky eaters, you want to increase fluid intake, which softens stool, and fibre intake, which adds bulk and helps with passing. Because of strong food aversions and limited food preferences, it can be challenging to achieve this and find effective solutions for constipated picky eaters.


Why Constipation is Common in Picky Eaters

Diet is one factor that can contribute to constipation in picky eaters. Picky eaters tend not to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and often eat more processed food. This results in a diet low in fibre, which can make it difficult to go to the bathroom. Hydration is another dietary factor that can influence constipation.

Diet is not the only cause of constipation, however. Some children may experience slow digestion or even pain while passing a bowel movement that can dissuade them from wanting to poop.


How Many Bowel Movements Should a Child Have?

Before talking about easy solutions for constipated picky eaters, it is helpful to know what “normal” is when it comes to kids and poop.

A healthy bowel movement for children is not the same for every child. Most children will poop once daily or every other day, but it can be normal for children to experience a bowel movement at least three times a week. Healthy stool is soft and easy to pass with no pain or straining during toilet time.


How Many Bowel Movements Should a Child Have?

Before talking about easy solutions for constipated picky eaters, it is helpful to know what “normal” is when it comes to kids and poop. A healthy bowel movement for children is not the same for every child. Most children will poop once daily or every other day, but it can be normal for children to experience a bowel movement at least three times a week. Healthy stool is soft and easy to pass with no pain or straining during toilet time.


How to Fix Constipation in a Picky Eaters 

1. Dried or frozen fruits and vegetables

Fix your picky eater’s constipation by offering dried or frozen fruits and vegetables. Dried and frozen fruits and vegetables are reliable sources of fibre and can be easier than fresh fruits and vegetables for picky eaters to eat due to a more consistent texture. Once a child is comfortable eating dried or frozen fruits and vegetables, try introducing their fresh counterparts.


2. Flax + Chia seeds

You can fix your picky eater’s constipation by adding more fibre to their diet. Flax and chia are healthy sources of fat and fibre and are easy to incorporate into many picky eaters approved foods such as smoothies, and baked goods like muffins, pancakes, and cookies. Try ground flax and chia if your child is sensitive to texture or the appearance of seeds.


3. Whole grain + whole-wheat products

Whole wheat products naturally have more fibre than white, so focus on whole wheat to fix your picky eater’s constipation. Try food chaining if your child has a strong preference for white wheat products.


4. Healthy fats

Incorporating heart-healthy omega-3s like olive oil, flax, and avocado can create a slippery smooth coating that makes it easier for bowel movements to pass. Be careful of highly saturated fat products, as they can cause constipation.


5. Squatty Potty

For a natural solution to fix your picky eater’s constipation, try propping your child’s feet on a squatty potty, stool, or even a stack of books. This will put them in a more natural position for a bowel movement to make passing stool easier and help with straining and pain.


6. Toilet Training

Regularly setting time aside in the morning, night, or after mealtime to encourage your child to use the bathroom can help condition their digestive system for optimal bowel function. Encourage them to sit on the toilet for about 5 minutes around the same time each day, while keeping it light and stress-free. Be careful not to force your child to remain on the toilet until a bowel movement passes.


7. Abdominal Massage

A light massage can help the digestive tract do its job. Apply firm, but gentle pressure just under the ribcage and work clockwise to promote digestion and lessen gastrointestinal distress.


8. Probiotics

Probiotics support a healthy digestive system. Try powdered forms that can mix easily in water, drinks, or smoothies or chewable tablets. Yogurt is also a source of probiotics if it is one of your child’s preferred foods.


9. Laxatives

Some children benefit from medical intervention to help relieve constipation. Talk to your child’s doctor before introducing a laxative and to determine what options are best for your child. It can be challenging to find constipation solutions for picky eaters due to food aversions, limited diets, and distaste for fruits, vegetables, and other high fibre foods. Get creative with foods that you offer them, try to optimise the bathroom environment and timing, and encourage hydration to help relieve constipation in picky eaters.

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Recommended by parents, approved by picky eaters.

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Angeline Sekobela

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