Hey Mom, is your child's
immunity a growing concern?
The importance of having the right nutrients during a child’s illness or infection cannot be overlooked. What’s more, nutrition can also build up their defenses in high-risk seasons. PediaSure® comes with 3-in-1 immunity support, a source of essential nutrients to support immunity.5 Resulting in a stronger immunity for your child,5 and less anxiety for you, mom!
Hey Mom, is your child's
immunity a growing concern?
The importance of having the right nutrients during a child’s illness or infection cannot be overlooked. What’s more, nutrition can also build up their defenses in high-risk seasons. PediaSure® comes with 3-in-1 immunity support, a source of essential nutrients to support immunity.5 Resulting in a stronger immunity for your child,5 and less anxiety for you, mom!

Be Triple Sure
with these essential nutrients
Source of vitamins and minerals that helps improve appetite. 2,3
High in Vitamin D, source of Vitamins C & A to help keep children strong and active. 2,5
High in Energy and Omega-3 and a source of Protein to support growing children. 1,8,9
Hey Mom, is your child's
immunity a growing concern?
Source of vitamins and minerals that helps improve appetite. 2,3
High in Vitamin D, source of Vitamins C & A to help keep children strong and active. 2,5
High in Energy and Omega-3 and a source of Protein to support growing children. 1,8,9

Yes, 70 – 80 % of the immune system is located in the gut, and there are complex interactions taking place between the immune system, the gut microbiome and pathogens. The role of nutrition is well-recognized to improve health.5

Yes, 70 – 80 % of the immune system is located in the gut, and there are complex interactions taking place between the immune system, the gut microbiome and pathogens. The role of nutrition is well-recognized to improve health.5
Your 3 Vital Winter Facts!
Your child’s immune system plays an important role in the susceptibility, persistence and clearing of infections.28
Deficiencies in micronutrients negatively affect immune function and can decrease resistance to infections.28
Other nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, support an effective immune system by helping to resolve the inflammatory response.28
Your 3 Vital Winter Facts!
Your child’s immune system plays an important role in the susceptibility, persistence and clearing of infections.28
Deficiencies in micronutrients negatively affect immune function and can decrease resistance to infections.28
Other nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, support an effective immune system by helping to resolve the inflammatory response.28

Growing children need to have a strong immunity due to their exposure to natural elements and to other kids at school. PediaSure® is scientifically formulated to be a source of essential nutrients to help support your child’s gut health and immunity so that you can have peace of mind no matter the season.5,8
Growing children need to have a strong immunity due to their exposure to natural elements and to other kids at school. PediaSure® is scientifically formulated to be a source of essential nutrients to help support your child’s gut health and immunity so that you can have peace of mind no matter the season.5,8

PediaSure 3+ Vanilla 850g
* = Study in children at nutritional risk. Change seen in weight.
# = PediaSure® Shake Central Location Test in Spain. Data on File 2018.
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